Join Mizzie's Mission to RE-PURPOSE, RE-USE OR RECYCLE!

Join Mizzie's Mission to RE-PURPOSE, RE-USE OR RECYCLE!


Last Saturday, we raced back to our warehouse to salvage some of our 'flood Mizzies'. While we had seen the extensive flood water damage we couldn't shake the feeling there was something we could do to prevent all of the stock going straight to landfill.

For the Mizzie's not completely submerged, we kept coming back to this one idea: although we can't sell these as originally intended, Mizzie was made for more. We wouldn't be holding true to our mission or values if we simply sent her to the trash pile. Our thinking became even more resolute 

So... what this means is we're looking for ways to re-purpose, re-use or recycle our Mizzie's into something AMAZING!

Maybe you have the vision to make a giant mighty Mizzie?

Maybe there's a school or community group who could create a Mizzie Masterpiece?

Or maybe, just maybe... there's  a way to recycle Mizzie given she's made of 100% natural rubber!?

As we strive to find our flooded Mizzie's a whole new mission, the ideas are endless, the sky is the limit and WE'D LOVE YOUR THOUGHTS on where Mizzie can hop to now the waters have receded slightly.

We're excitedly waiting to see what our fantastic community comes up with!

Share your ideas with us below.

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