Trust Your Parental Instincts

Trust Your Parental Instincts

Trust Your Instincts: How Fun and Boredom Boost Learning

As parents, one of the biggest lessons we learn is that every child is unique. No two little ones are exactly the same, and what works for one child may not work for another. This is where trusting your instincts as a parent becomes so important. While expert advice and developmental guidelines offer valuable insight, there’s something to be said for following your own gut when it comes to your child’s growth and learning.

One thing I’ve realised over the years is that it’s okay, it’s great to let your child get bored sometimes. In today’s busy world, we often feel the need to constantly entertain or stimulate our children, but allowing them to sit with boredom can spark something truly magical. Their imagination! When kids get bored, their minds wander, and they begin to create their own games, stories, and adventures. They start to explore new ways to play and solve problems. This kind of independent play helps them develop key cognitive skills and creativity that will stay with them for life.

But what really makes the biggest difference? Laughter and fun. I’ve found that when little ones are laughing and having a good time, they become little sponges, soaking up everything around them. This is when they learn best without even realising it. When play is filled with joy, kids form stronger bonds with the people around them, and they retain what they learn more easily.

So, while it’s important to look to the experts for advice, don’t underestimate the power of your own instincts. Trust yourself to know what your child needs, and remember that a little boredom and a lot of fun can go a long way in boosting their learning and development. The combination of both encourages creativity, promotes natural learning, and creates special moments of connection that help your child grow and thrive.

At the end of the day, the key to raising a happy, curious learner is simple:

💫Trust your instincts

💫Embrace the moments of boredom

💫Keep the fun and laughter going. 

Make sure to follow @mizziethekangaroo for more parenting insights, tips and tricks. 



So as a parent I've learned that every child is completely different and it's really important to trust your own instinct as a parent.

I always look at the expert advice and the guidelines on their developmental milestones but then I've learned to really trust my own instincts. I've also learned that it's okay to let them get bored.

That's how they sometimes start to imagine things make their own games 
and their entire mind just wanders.

Flourishes it's actually a really beautiful thing to see and what's really important that I've seen over the years is that laughter is key.

When children, little ones, toddlers, children when they're having fun they are like little sponges.

This is when you get the best out of them.

This is when they learn the best and this is obviously whilst they're having fun and creating that bond.

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