The Best Teething Toys To Soothe The Sorest of Tiny Gums - Kidspot

The Best Teething Toys To Soothe The Sorest of Tiny Gums - Kidspot

The Best Teething Toys To Soothe The Sorest of Tiny Gums

Mizzie The Kangaroo's Award Winning Teething Toy & Teething Ring have been named amongst Kidspot's BEST TEETHING TOYS! Check out the Kidspot Article HERE and read about Mizzie Below!

" There's no way around it: teething is the worst. But it doesn't have to be a total nightmare. We asked real mums what teething toys calmed their bubs and saved their sanity. 

Ugh. Teething. It's just the worst and there's no way around it - at some point, every kid is going to experience it.

Teething brings with it more than just sore gums: it brings cranky kids, red rosy cheeks, sometimes a temperature and a runny nose and almost always, sleepless nights. It's the luck of the draw when it comes to how badly your little one will suffer (and honestly, I got off pretty lucky with my boy and it was still no fun) and at the end of the day, you just have to get through it.

But while there are no shortcuts, there are definitely ways to make it less painful for everyone. Teethers and teething toys really do work, you just need to find one your kid really likes. We've rounded up a bunch of options, and asked real-mums which ones saved their sanity.

The Best Traditional Teethers

Traditional teethers are soft, chewy and calming, sometimes with various textures to stimulate the senses. They're usually your first line of defence when a bub starts teething, and oftentimes, they'll do the job. 

Mizzie The Kangaroo Nurturing Babies  Gift Set


Australia's answer to Sophie, this is Mizzie, a friendly Kangaroo designed to stimulate the senses and help heal sore gums. Made from 100% natural rubber, she's free from any nasties (like BPA) and she also squeaks... and what kid doesn't like a squeaker?! 

"We love Mizzie," says mum, Sally. "We have a Sophie too and she's a favourite, but I'll admit I've tried to push my kids towards Mizzie because she's Australian!" 

What should I be looking for when buying a teether?

The most important thing to remember is this is going to go in your baby's mouth, so it needs to be safe both for them to chew and also pose no risk of suffocation. Materials like silicone, rubber or wood are best, as they're strong and can take a fair bit of chewing and pulling. 

Considering we're talking about something that will get wet with saliva, it's also a good idea to choose one which doesn't have a lot of tiny parts or crevices which are hard to clean and can trap moisture.  

How do I keep my teether clean?

Teethers are going to get dirty - it's just a fact. Babies are into everything and they're still very often working out things like hand-eye coordination which means there's no way their teether isn't going to get dropped on the floor regularly. The best thing - when you find one they really like - is to stock up and get a few and keep them in heavy rotation. Teethers need to be - at the very least - washed in warm, soapy water, but if you can get one which is microwave, dishwasher or steriliser safe, that's even better. 

When is it safe to start using a teether? 

Most teethers are recommended for use from around three months, but it's a good idea to check the individual recommendations when you buy. Some (like toothbrush teethers) you probably want to wait until your child is a bit older, as there is always a risk they could put them too far down their throats. Teethers which double as feeders should be held off until at least four months (check with your GP as some recommend not starting solids until six months) but they can be used if filled with frozen breastmilk, if they are not on solids. As always, teethers must be used with supervision, never leave your child unattended while playing with a teether or a teething toy."


Thank you to Jenna Martin and the Kidspot team for this wonderful write up and review!

Mizzie The Kangaroo is available for purchase online and instore at over 400+ stockists across Australia. You can purchase Mizze's Nurturing Babies Teething Gift Set here 


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